Arizona Online
Arizona Online ( “A Place for All Things Arizona” tm, will have a bit of something for most everyone, interesting stories, places to go, suggestions to eat and drink whether at a restaurant or at home. There will be topics and stories focused on a city here in Arizona or maybe as far as Bali. Arizona Online will not be like your regular news station – you have plenty of them! But you will see some interesting news items we have found and thought you should know. To find our news section put you mouse over the Home menu label and you will see the news label. Hover over that one and a dropdown list appears then move to the topic you like and click. This method works the same in the menu items that have a v next to it.
Click on each of the tabs below to get a briefing about that section.

Arizona Online was founded in March of 1994. This was a time that the internet was unknown to the populist. We operated as a bulletin board service – which looked similar to the internet but was specifically local and could only be accessed with a dial-up modem using our own software called Excaliber. Once inside it did look similar to what the internet looks today. We had special interest pages and a shopping Mall. As a matter of fact Phoenix Flower Shops was one of the first to provide online shopping thru us! A year later we were the first to pipe thru our customers to the Internet. This was before AOL got into the act. As time went on we lost our dial up customers to the local phone and cable companies who priced us out of the market. For many years we became creators of webpages and specialized programming for other companies. Today we have created several other divisions which will be detailed in the various tabs above.

The News section – Here you will find Mostly articles that interested us – we used to have a news feed – but saw that it was the same stories you saw on the news or other websites – So look for more personal interest stories and good news from the neighborhood.
To find our news section put your mouse over the Home menu label and you will see the news label. Hover over that one and a dropdown list appears then move to the topic you like and click.
Oh! you got some news!… Well, become a freelancer and post your news here on – Read the Freelance tab.

Wow what a category! Here at your finger tips you can see the upcoming events not only here in Phoenix but also our neighboring states, California and Nevada.
You can zoom in on the map area for your interest and the selection automatically change. You can also filter the topic that you are looking for such as Live Music, Sports, Seminars, Kid Shows and much more in our topic bar. You can search by keyword too! – Have a specific date in mind? well just choose that for starters under the “when” menu item.
Have your own event to promote? A Gala, dance, group tour, fundraiser, reunion, music performance, show, wedding, or even a garage sale, The event can be listed for free or for additional exposure you can choose your rate and scope. Need to sell tickets that can be done thru the Event Listing. Additional promotion tools are available – such as Email promotions and more. Here on Azonline you can do it all just go to the Event Listings Menu. If you have an event to promote login or sign up first then click on the button “Promote your Event” follow all the prompts after that.
Please Note: On Arizona Online there are other areas that you can login/signup at (Freelancers, Classifieds)- please use a different login and password for those other areas.
You do not have to login or sign up just to view the Event Listings or Classifieds.

Cities – The most important part of Arizona. In this dropdown menu you will see a list of cites in Arizona. This list in time will grow as we add more cities. In each city section we will amass articles, photos information and stories pertaining to that city. We encourage freelancers (reporters / photographers ) to submit their work to these sections. See our Freelancers menu item on how to join us.
Travel Ideas – This menu item along with Destinations work hand in hand to explore the wonderful sites and experiences this world and state has to offer – Here you will find staff suggestions along with those of our readers and correspondents.

Destinations – is our category of more detailed information about places to go, things to do, places to eat not only here in Arizona but across the globe too. We encourage our freelancers to submit stories and photos / videos that others will find interesting! – See the freelancers tab to learn how you can be a Freelancer.

Food and Drink – The basic human pleasure! Discover here, great suggestions where to go to Dine & Drink – these are suggestions from both our staff and readers! Submit your favorite place too – Don’t forget to tell us which City so we may include it in the city it came from! – Include Photos! Check the sub menu Recipes where you will find the recipe of Ceviche Magnifica curtesy of Tierra Magnifica Resort located in Costa Rica. (see Travel Ideas).

Recipes – now that we have you interested in food from the last section, here is your chance to increase your own recipe book. However you can be that “Food Star” too by sharing yours. Just follow the freelances instructions on how to get started.

Are you a Writer, Photographer, Videographer, Correspondent, Journalist, Storyteller, Traveler, Cook, Explorer, Sport Reporter, Editor, Amateur, Professional, Meteorologist, Event Organizers and more.
Here on Arizona Online you can have your own by-line! Photos, Stories, Travel logs, recipes, Investigation Journalist, Breaking News! Eyewitness!
Sign up for free! Post right from your computer.
All submissions will be reviewed before coming live online.
You are responsible for your own content.
We have 4 packages for you to choose from; both free and paid, (helps cover our backend labor but not too expensive)
Video – Here is a list of our videos ( not necessarily our own) but suggested or created by you. ) First upload the video you created (or found) on Youtube or Vimeo. Become a Freelancer and create a post using our frontend submit – insert the share link you copied from your video site also mark it as short, full length or documentary. then post it!
Notice the Twin Tygr – well he has made quite a few movie -so we gave him his own gallery. If you are a filmmaker we can make your gallery too.
Note: We do not pay royalties or revenue share for your participation. Make sure you do not violate copyright laws. Offending posts will be removed.
Notice the Twin Tygr – well he has made quite a few movies -so we gave him his own gallery. If you are a filmmaker we can make your gallery too. Check them out!

This is where you need to visit and sign in first if you want to have your own website!
Trazka was formed in 2019 as a joint venture of Arizona Online and Trejka. Together they combine the history of providing internet services since 1994 when the internet was just being introduced to the masses. Arizona Online has the distinction of providing the first online e-commerce to its subscribers in Arizona. We now combine to bring the skills and products of WordPress and hosting services for our customers. But, we do not stop there. We are available to 24/7 to assist in your hosting needs and as consultants when those difficult items pop up. So whether you desire to build a small site or large we can help. Trazka services in both the USA and Europe. Our website is two stores in specialized sections. serves all of your backend needs. Starting with:
Domain Services:
With Hosting we have:
Themes and plugins are handled at our speciality store
There you will find themes such as Astra, Ocean, and Beclinic – many of our packages include plugins that you will need. You can also buy them ala carte!
But once you build your site you really have to keep up with it. To help you we do have maintenance services, backup services for just incase… and the list goes on!
So welcome to Trazka, sign up for our newsletter so we can keep you informed of new products, tips, warnings and maybe a joke or two.