Dear Christina,
You were made perfect, according to how your Father wanted you.
Fearfully & Wonderfully, your life was given purpose before you took your first breath outside of the womb.
Do you know that I admire you? I think… better yet, I know you are lovely, gentle & astonishing.
I’ve failed to encourage you and I let Satan tell you things that you should’ve never had to hear. Satan is a convincing little devil…that’s the point he’s LITTLE.
Sweetheart, our God is very very BIG.
He made you with that butt that you don’t like & that beautiful brown skin you covered with tattoos.
God does not see the things that you don’t like. He only sees you the way He made you, SIMPY BEAUTIFUL!
Since, we seem to be in this for the long haul then, I want to do a better job of knowing you.
Lifting you. Loving you, because throughout this life…you remain. So since we still have a lifetime together, can you do me a favor?
When you talk to yourself, use kind words.
When you dream for yourself, dream BIG dreams.
When you laugh, laugh loudly, & when you love, love hard & boldly.
Stand tall & stand strong, try, fail and try again.
I give you my word…I will be here for you every step of the way.
P.S. You are capable, brave, worthy, & significant. Even when it feels like you are not.
Sincerely, ME
Love Always & Love yourself!